Startup Spark

S5 – 5G Technology Accelerator is the first acceleration program in Poland created to support the growth of innovative projects focusing on 5G technology (including non-standalone 5G).

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January 3, 2022

The S5 Accelerator has been established in 2019 within the Lodz Special Economic Zone and is the second accelerator in the LSEZ portfolio next to Startup Spark.

Startups qualified to participate in the S5 program  will receive expert support and financial grant (de minimis public aid)  for the development of products or services in 5G technology. The goal of the Program is to develop, test and implement accelerated projects on commercial basis  in large companies.

Łódzka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A.
Tymienieckiego 22G, 90-349 Łódź
IoE Hub

CIC Warsaw, Chmielna 73
00-801 Warszawa

+48 42 275 50 90